Senin, 13 Maret 2017

This Is Me!

     Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Marini Hartina, you can call me Marini or Rini. I was born on May, 4th 1996. I'm 20th years old and 2 months later I'm going to 21st haha. I was live at Permata Hijau Permai but right now I live at Villa Mutiara Gading 2. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters and I'm the 5th child. I'd really love my family, especially my parents. They're always standing by my side either happy or sad conditions and always give me so much strength to be better person.
      My hobby is swimming, watching movies, reading comics, and listening to music. My favorite movie is sci-fi, horror, and romance movie. My favorite sci-fi movies is The divergent series, Hunger Games, The Maze Runner Trilogy and Harry Potter, horror movies is Insidious and The Conjuring, and romance movies is The Fault In Our Stars. When I have a leisure time, I always reading comics. I like to reading webtoon on my smartphone. I love to listening One Direction Music and I also already have all they songs.
      I am currently studying at Gunadarma University and I active as Assistant at Basic Management Laboratory. I want to tell you about my life experience, shortly. Once, I always get nervous when I meet with many people. When I study at college, I think I have to make a changes. Change myself to increase my self confident. So, I decided to join the recruitment to be Laboratory Assistant. First, I signed up to Basic Accounting Laboratory, but I'm not accepted. My failure don't make me feel downhearted, but it makes me have more enthusiasm. So, I'm back to try my second chance to be Laboratory Assistant. When Basic Management Laboratory has opened the recruitment, I am so excited to join it. Don't wait for a long time, I sign up and I prepare the files is needed. Alhamdulillah, I accepted to be Assistant Laboratory. 
     I have learned so much experiences at Laboratory, be sides I have so many new friends I also  already have increase my self confident. Now, my nervous has already decrease when I meet with many people, know how about the way to make a good cooperation in organization, and not only that I also can organize my time between my responsibility as Student and Assistant.
     Actually, I have another life experience (special experience). What is it? It is.........
    I don't mean to boast myself, I just want to sharing my happy life experience. Yap the special experience is I was an Independent Auditor. I have worked at KAP for 3 months. 3 months is a short time, but for 3 months I have so many experience that I haven't gotten at my class. It likes how about to make socialization with other people, how to working with under pressure, careful, fast and accurate. All lesson and experience that I got along the time, so helping me when I study at class for this semester. For example, when I study at Auditing and Fiscal Accounting class I always remember the knowledge.
    I do really enjoy when I worked at KAP because my job is so suitable with my passion and not only that but also my goals is I want to be an Independent Auditor. When I graduate from college I really want to take profession to be a CPA ( Certified Public Accountant ). Those are my reasons why I want to work at KAP and find some new experience and knowledge how to be a good Auditor.
    I have quotes for you all, the quotes is "Never give up easily otherwise you will get nothing". The message from the quotes is keep going, never feel downhearted, because We have Allah SWT, our GOD. Keep praying, because without prayer your effort are nothing and if you are keep going but no praying, your effort all this time are meaningless. Always be grateful what you have!!